Russia, 141018, the Moscow area, Mytischi-18, p.o. 24 7(495) 582-87-13 7(495) 582-87-13
The firm ' Ilyinichna ' - the leader agrarian firm on selection and seed-growing of a tomato - offers seeds of 75 hybrids of high flavouring qualities, including: - Early and proof to a cold: ' the Boomerang ', ' Olya', ' Fine Lady '; - Steady against the lowered light exposure ' Northern Express train '; - Hybrids proof to a cold ' Marquis ', ' the Red Arrow ' and others. Hybrids ' the Harlequin ', ' Unice', ' Situated near Moscow ', ' the Bayadere ', ' Vlad ', ' the Minuet ' are suitable for storage and processing, ' the Blues ' and ' the Pilgrim ' - brush, large fruit hybrids with weight of fruits from 250 up to 800 gram and more: ' the Favorite ', ' Titanic ', ' the Centaur ', ' the Ostrich ', ' the Miracle '. Agro the firm guarantees high-quality and sowing qualities of seeds which makes under the author's control. At wholesale realization of seeds in weight and in colourful packages there is a flexible system of discounts.
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